Friday, May 29, 2009

When I became a believer

After our trip to the doctor, it was offical- positive for pregnancy. Our baby was only 4 and half weeks along, but we alreay were in love. We were so excited, so thrilled. She began having some cramping and bleeding, suddenly every inch of excitement was drained from my being. We thought we were going to loose the baby. So, we had an she had to go in to get her HCG levels done, and we had to wait for an ultrasound until they were over 2000. 8 days later they were well over 2000. The ultrasound showed one sac, but it was too early to see a heart beat. But at least we had a sac.
The following week, around the 6th one (I think), we had another ultrasound, this time to make sure there was a heart beat. It was nerve racking, waiting to find out. Perhaps all of this waiting is preparing me for something. Anyhow, the ultrasound tech got her all ready and as soon as the screen popped up, I saw two little things. I cluelessly asked "are those her overies?" My wife was already in tears, you so she already knew. The tech said something about well lets see...the first "thing" heartbeat. Suddenly, I knew-TWINS! second baby- heartbeat.
They were there. My babies, so small but like I said already-I was in love. In fact I loved them even before they were created.
They were offically named "baby a" and "baby b," yea yea, I know real creative, but the tech wouldn't let me have the keyboard to name them something more exciting like...hum, I'm not sure I could have done better now that I think about it.
We called, again, every relative that we knew, and announced our news- we would certianly be going crazy in 9 months because we were having TWINS.
Again, our excitement was cut short, when my wife began having such terrible pain in her...well...downstairs some bleeding, we thought for sure that we were going to loose our babies.
I hung my head low, sitting in the waiting room of the hospital.
I asked God to forgive me. Forgive that I hadn't trusted in him, and that I was coming to him asking for something, when I have given so little.
"But," I said, "if you want me to believe in you, this is your chance." "Deliever these children from your grace, please, oh mighty Lord, make them okay. I will go to church, I will never forsake my faith again."
Ultrasoung time. Our babies, thankfully, were still there.
Our family went to church. And I thanked God.

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