Friday, May 29, 2009

Conception or rather shortly after

Its painful to wait. Waiting to find out if we get another Gift from God. Truthfully, I didn't really believe in God before; in fact I was a Buddhist. But something changed. Anyhow, we were pretty much going crazy-searching all over to find the earliest of early pregnancy tests. We ended up buying these little strips on line, but we had to wait for those too.
They, however, did arrive. We took one, well actually she took one. Nothing, the second line did not appear. But our hope was still strong, after all it had only been a week. A few mornings later (this was a friday), still only one line. We might have lost a little bit of our hope. Maybe, we thought, this wasn't our time. Saturday morning and I woke up early, so did she. She took another test. 3 minutes later there still wasn't a second line, so she went to sleep and I walked to the store to get a sunday paper (yea I like to get the sunday paper on saturday). I came back and thought I better check this out one more time...and there it was...the faintest second line a person has ever seen, but it was there.
We checked the one from the day before, and sure enough another faint second line. Turns out you have to give those earliest of early tests like 15 minutes. We had a digital test around and thought this is to make sure. "Pregnant" could this be true??? It was true enough for us to call every relative we had to make the big announcement. My wife had it on myspace and facebook within minutes, shes a little obssessed.
I wondered if I was really going to be a baby daddy. I mean I have an 8 year old, but she only came into my life when she was 6. I have never been a father to a baby. Would I know what to do? Would I make enough to support my family? Would I tell my child about my different gendered past, and if so, when?
All of these thoughts and emotions, however, were just the start...

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